Resources to know ourselves, fully.
Want Less Conflict? Try Asking this Question
Here's a quick tip that can have a big impact on communication. This is a tip that I often recommend for romantic partners but I also HIGHLY recommend using it with anyone in your life that you are close to - including friends, family members, and colleagues.
Stealthy Isn’t Healthy this Valentine’s Day
I probably don't need to remind you that today is the one of the most polarizing holidays of the year. Here's a wild statistic that I just learned: Americans are planning to spend $25.9 billion this year on Valentine's Day.
Let’s talk money for a sec
Let's try a quick experiment. You ready? When I say the word money, what physical reactions do you notice in your body? What thoughts run through your mind? What emotions do you experience?
Are you Self-abandoning?
Let me paint a picture for you: It's 6:30 pm, it's been a looong workday, and you are hurriedly trying to wrap up emails so that you can catch that restorative yoga class that your entire mind, body, and soul has been CRAVING. Suddenly, you hear the dreaded “ding” of a new email in your inbox.
New Year’s Intention-Setting Exercise
While I'm admittedly a hyper-reflective person who loves a good new year's intention, this year I did things a bit differently. I noticed that all of the busyness and excitement around the end-of-year holidays actually gets in the way of having the type of quiet, reflective time that I need to gain clarity about my new year's intentions.
Feeling Anxious About Global Crises?
I'm not going to lie - I have written this intro paragraph about twenty times at this point. So many thoughts are swirling through my head that it's hard to know where to start. Can you relate?
Five of my Favorite Books on Love
No matter your opinion on Valentine's Day – Hallmark holiday? Great excuse for a date night? Good time to stalk your ex on Instagram? (No judgment! But let's talk about that next session…) - it's hard to avoid thinking about romantic love when the 14th of February rolls around. Below is a round-up of five of my favorite books on love and relationships.
Love for the Liminal Spaces
Today's message is about liminal spaces. The word “liminal” comes from the Latin word “limen," which means “threshold.” When we are in a “liminal space,” it means that we are on the verge of something new but we are not quite there yet.
3 Books to Inspire your New Year
One of my favorite things to do in January is to set a #readingchallenge goal for myself. Reading is SUCH an important part of my job - if you are a client, you know how much I love to suggest books that will help you in your healing journey! This year I plan to read at least 30 books. Here are three that I'm starting with this month.
Greetings, brave seekers of personal growth! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm so glad you found your way here. No matter where you are on your healing journey, I honor you for taking the time to ask the tough questions and to focus on yourself. As this is my first blog post, I will give a quick overview of who I am and what I do.