Resources to know ourselves, fully.
Let’s talk money for a sec
Let's try a quick experiment. You ready? When I say the word money, what physical reactions do you notice in your body? What thoughts run through your mind? What emotions do you experience?
New Year’s Intention-Setting Exercise
While I'm admittedly a hyper-reflective person who loves a good new year's intention, this year I did things a bit differently. I noticed that all of the busyness and excitement around the end-of-year holidays actually gets in the way of having the type of quiet, reflective time that I need to gain clarity about my new year's intentions.
Five of my Favorite Books on Love
No matter your opinion on Valentine's Day – Hallmark holiday? Great excuse for a date night? Good time to stalk your ex on Instagram? (No judgment! But let's talk about that next session…) - it's hard to avoid thinking about romantic love when the 14th of February rolls around. Below is a round-up of five of my favorite books on love and relationships.