Meet Founder Charlotte Haigh
I’ve always done things a little bit differently. While my friends were getting 9 to 5’s right after graduating from college, I was flying to Bangkok with meager savings and grand ambitions of living the expat life as an ESL teacher.
Then came my mid-twenties, when I moved to New York City for a high-powered job in public relations, only to find myself burned out, bored, and bloated from too many Happy Hours meant to numb the existential dread that was slowly creeping in.
I knew that there had to be another way to live life to the fullest - and I knew that I had to go looking for it. I wanted to be of real service. I wanted my life to matter. Sitting up in a high-rise making PowerPoint decks for corporate clients wasn’t it. (Maybe you can relate?)
So I went seeking once more. I quit my job in PR to volunteer at an organization in Uganda that provides mental health care for refugees, and a new part of me was unlocked.
Therapist ✴ Speaker ✴ Founder ✴ Leader ✴
This was my mission, my dharma, my path - I was here to help others heal.
Enter my “enlightened girlie era” where I went to grad school and learned all the things in all the books. I could explain trauma to you using all of the fancy words and phrases - so naturally, I figured that I could heal it.
At the age of 30, I was experiencing personal challenges that took me to my darkest depths and stretched me beyond what I thought I was capable of handling. I would call this my “dark night of the soul” - and it brought me to my knees. Maybe you’ve experienced something similar?
Ironically, at the same time, I was starting to see real life human clients(!) It was so exciting! And also, I realized that all of the fancy terms in the fancy books by the fancy people did nothing for my clients. Talking around their trauma wasn’t doing anything to actually heal it. They needed a deeper approach - and frankly, so did I.
Enter my “exploring all the things until I find what works” era. I started learning how to stop intellectualizing my feelings and to start safely feeling them. I learned how to guide others in doing the same. I leaned into spirituality. I learned to tap into my intuition on a deeper level. I learned to let go, to accept, to trust the universe. And I’m still learning to do that.
I started “Knownfully” to help others who are on a similar journey. If you’re a seeker, a deep feeler, a questioner, a “there’s got to be a better way”-er: this is the space for you. We get it, we celebrate it, and we are so here for it. Welcome to a new way of doing therapy. We are so excited that you’re here.